Arkai is a vast plane of primordial light, created by Kutsal during the early history of the universe. It was created to contain light within greater Laira, and separate it from darkness (similarly contained by Kutaru within Gryka), so the two could no longer chaotically interact. Within Arkai is Kyros, with the Palisade separating the two.
Arkai originally contained a plane of pure chaos within it (the primordial Kyros), with Gryka containing an inner plane of pure order (Meirgan). However, after Kutaru’s betrayal of his brother, the fragmentation of his soul unbound Kyros and Meirgan from one another, and both planes became an even mixture of order and chaos. After this, the lines between Arkai and Gryka became blurred, allowing elements of one to occasionally pass influence into the other.
The name Arkai is a Tai’ora adaptation of the Aranese Ärrochā (“world of light”), the original term used by Del in the Tenebra Manifest.