Faarjin (Majat: "Big Home") is the southernmost, heavily forested island in the Isles of Triamar archipelago. It is populated almost exclusively by the isolated Skuja'Dir. Because of the area's loccation and low elevation, it becomes victim to high currents and monsoon rains from the Atheric Ocean, flooding the majority of the island twice a year.
The distance Faarjin has from mainland Atheryin makes it one of the most isolated and mystrerious areas on all of Kyros. Many attempts at contact and political cooperation by other Atheric civilizations are met with peaceful curiosity by the native Skuja'Dir, but the temperamental weather conditions often deter or destroy any missions established here.
Little is known about Faarjin's geography, but what is certain is its massive floods twice per year, once in winter, and once in summer. The only parts of Faarjin that remain untouched are its northernmost regions, where small, more hilly areas can be found. Here, the flora and fauna is thick and lively, so much so that the Skuja'Dir tribe Tersemya has become accustomed to forming their few sedentary tribal camps on the tree canopies, the floor of the jungle being too dangerous for small mustids such as themselves.
Several Dramer expeditions to the area have noted that much the local flora is of a unique type, designed to be very tall and large, and deeply rooted, capable of surviving the periodic floods of the region. Orrin Rolkan, a renowned Dramer explorer and historian, describes the Faarjin landscape in his work The Furthest Removed:
- [...]here, on Triamar's most remote (and equally curious) jungle isle, trees of darkwood live high above even the tallest hill, with bare trunks and lush canopic tops, to survive the hells of Flood Season, or Batavtatra to the natives. North, upon the molehills of the Tersemya peoples, the forests survive so thick that even the sharpest of ebony cannot pierce the brambles; instead, we were given a guide through the trees by an adventurous local Skuja, sliding along vine ziplines and jumping from branch to branch, this is a land certainly unfit for travel by man.,