Hall of Black and White

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A Hall of Black and White is a feature of many churches of Thyrnóc across the Thyrosic Empire, used in funerals and baptisms. The Hall is typically a structure made out of black and white materials, such as The Church of the Wyvern in Thyrra's grand tunnel of marble and obsidian, but in extreme cases, such as The Church of the Serpent in Pyra, black and white wood may be used.


Halls of Black and White are traditionally used for baptisms and funerals, as they symbolically separate Good from Evil. Corpses are passed down through them on rolling open-lid coffins, and children wander through them unaccompanied. 

Though they are intended to be symbolic, noted Dramer scientist Konat Rodon proved in Enlightened 15 that the Halls actually possessed an innate magic, and could separate demons and other such beings from mortal hosts.