Lyria (Region)

Lyria is the official name for the large peninsula located in Atheryin's northeasternmost regions. It is best known for fostering two, among others, of the continent's most prosperous nations, the Lyrian Empire and the Nokana Empire. The peninsula also has been host to various petty Lyrian kingdoms, the Sunchaser tribes, and the isolationist city-state of Ko'alurun. Lyria is best known for its large, expansive forests, and deep, knife-like mountain ranges.
Lyria's geography encompasses drastic elevation changes, from the warm, sandy coasts near Delsin, to the frigid Pearlknife Mountains. Lands west of Delsin through to the borders of the Aihun are low, hilly steppes, typically with large rock outcroppings amidst the vast barrowfields. Once reaching the borders to the forests of the Aihun, the land drastically climbs into the rugged hills and thick broadleaf forests of the aforementioned region. Along the northern edge, the coasts are rugged and rocky, serving as a hazardous pass for any boats moving between Kalythos and the peninsula. The northwestern coasts boast even rockier shores, due to the rapid elevation incline southwards. To the furthest southwestern regions of Lyria lie the Pearlknife Mountains, a treacherous range filled with steep cliffs and thick, sharp mountains tied together with an extreme arctic climate, proving perilous to many travelling by land. The south coast is comprised of extremely rugged sea cliffs, that appear to just drop into the ocean.