
From WFU Wiki

A small, ancient, extinct volcano island, home to fertile river valleys, and the Dramer.


Rekkan is the remnants of an old volcanic island, so at its heart lies the volcanic crater of the volcano Rolk. The land was once much higher than it is now, but has since been eroded by the only river on the island - the Rekk - which circles around the volcano, until exiting at the Narrowing - the only entrance or exit into the land, because of the huge cliffs that have yet to be eroded by the sea.

The soil is rich and fertile from eons of volcanic ash falling onto it's surface, and because of the odd course of it's only river, the Rekk, most of the land is lush U-shaped river valley, prone to flooding, which reinvigorates the soil every year. The phemoneon is only heightened during the spring, when snowfall from winter melts, flooding into the river basin.


Rekkan is a temperate island, with mild temperatures, prone to heavy rain. It experiences mild snow falls during the winter. It's location and size makes it a target for heavy storms, but it's high cliffs act as huge wind breaks, meaning that while Rekkan may expect all forms of precipitation, its weather will never be extreme enough to be threaten what lives within.

Floura and Fauna

Most of the life in the island lives on the river basin itself, covered in lush green forests. A unique tree type called the Eder dominates the river family, which covers the entire island. As well as supporting typical mammalian life, like wolves, deer and elk, squirrels, rabbits and other small rodents, Rekkan supports various bird populations, such as crows, sparrows, hawks and eagles, and unique animals such as the Ra'tun, and Vartan, found nowhere else in the world.


Most of the civilization on Rekkan lies within the volcano, where the Dramer have made their home. The only settlement on the island, also named Rekkan (city), and provides most, if not all, the Dramer with a home. However, some of the Dramer have started to spread out into the river basins, where they live in houses on huge stilts, or in the Eder trees, to avoid the flooding that happens twice a year.