Tenatua (Tai’ora: “Many-Paws”), or Thousand-Cloaked-Wolves, is an entity created by Kalopsis, originally as a hunting party intent on killing Ugana during the Grimhunt. Tenatua are a single entity made up of a conglomeration of individually weaker wolf-like spirits, with a strong attachment to darkness.
They are led by Grund, and are believed to serve as the “eyes of Kalopsis”, often entering Kyros for the purpose of espionage. However, after Ugana defeated Tenatua below the Seris in Cadin, Grund and the Tenatua gained significantly more autonomy from Kalopsis, having been exposed to Ano. Since, Tenatua and Grund are more likely to bargain with Kalopsis for their services, much to his annoyance.
Tenatua was mentioned in the Tenebra Manifest as “crawling from behind Kalopsis’ eyes”, and in some faiths are believed to have only been summoned by Kalopsis, rather than created by him. In some religions, Kalopsis initially bargained with Grund and the Tenatua, gifting them with night-eye on exchange for their services during the Grimhunt.