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In the most advanced form of the Lyrian Calendar, each day is 24 hours, and each year is 365 days long, except a leap year, which has an extra day and occurs every four years. Era's are named due to colossal events that happen at the time. Each era is marked by the passing of the comet Reylas. However, originally, the Lyrian's recorded time in a calendar called the Lyrian Reckoning. It began when the city of Lyria was founded. Dates are given in Lyrian Reckoning and in the later Era system.

Pre-Temporal History

The earliest history of the universe, prior to the beginning of Time. Thus, events occurred across an uncountable span of time, and can only be considered chronological based upon cause and effect. Much of this history is known only through religious myth, though some has been directly verified.

~ Before the Creation of Kyros

  • Unconscious spirits emerge as identical sparks in a cosmic river, resembling an iridescent fog.
  • Laira and Kalopsis identify each other's sparks in the river, dream together, and create the concept of existence.
  • Laira wraps her arms around the Star-Blood, and is born as the "concept of everything", embodying the entire universe. Kalopsis wraps his arms around Laira, and is born as the "protector of everything", generally associating him as a god of universal order.
  • Kalopsis receives a vision of a predetermined future, and becomes obsessed and blinded by it. While Kalopsis is distracted, an unknown entity forcibly conceives Ugana with Laira. In response to this, Kalopsis executes the entity responsible. Ugana begins to grow within Cadin, the womb of the universe.
  • The Grimhunt begins with Kalopsis cloaking Cadin in darkness, and unleashing the Tenatua. Ugana struggles to escape, but is aided by the first Anamnesis world-tree (an aspect of Laira). The tree grants Ugana the power of consciousness, represented as a crosier, which she uses to tame the Tenatua and escape Cadin.
  • Celarus emerges as a great owl, and uses Cadin to seal off the Star-Blood. By doing so, he contains the universe in gypsum, and creates the concept of space. Celarus speaks Andain's name, and Andain "remakes himself in this universe". He takes up his cleaver, and declares himself the guardian of Cadin, "the great keystone".

~ Creation

  • Ugana, floating in the chaos of Laira, creates Kutsal and Kutaru in an attempt to order the universe through dualism of light and dark.
  • Kutsal and Kutaru create the light-plane of Arkai and the shadow-plane of Gryka, respectively.
  • Ugana, Kutsal, and Kutaru sing Kyros into existence. Meirgan simultaneously comes to be as a mirror-image of Kyros.
  • Animosity builds between Kutsal and Kutaru, as Kutaru's jealousy of his favored brother grows. This culminates in Kutaru attempting to steal half of Kutsal's soul in order to repair his own.
  • Andain judges Kutaru guilty of betrayal, and is rent in pieces by Andain. The fragments of Kutaru's soul are largely contained within Gryka, but some escape and impact Kyros. These soul fragments become the cosmic eggs for Earth-Gods.
  • Kutsal inverts the nature of Kyros and Meirgan, exchanging Meirgan's verdant paradise for Kyros' twisting chaos. This "unbound" Arkai and Gryka from one another, as a piece of the other no longer existed within either realm.
  • Celarus crafts the Marbles of Life from a "memory of the infinite past" he discovered in the rotted bark of the first Anamnesis on Cadin. He distributes them across the universe as the Stars.
  • Ugana asks if she can use the Marbles for her own creation. Celarus agrees, but only gives ten. Lyrians believe she stole the marbles.
  • Andain builds a wall, the Palisade, to protect Kyros from Arkai's blinding light.
  • Lythus appears in the form of a fawn as the result of "a poetic argument over causality" between Ugana and Celarus. Her coming into existence marks the creation of time.
  • Lythus informs Kutsal and Kutaru that Ugana predestined their animosity toward one another, in an effort to maintain balance. The brother-gods responded by attempting to murder Ugana, but they could only separate her soul from her body. Ugana's soul collapsed into Kyros, creating a reverse-impact centered on the Faelands. This uplifted all the land and continents on the planet from the seas. The vast energetic fallout of Ugana's soul swirled through the winds of Kyros from these impact areas eternally, making the use of magic by mortals possible.
  • When Ugana fell to Kyros, she pulled down her Marbles of Life with her, planting the Anamnesis world-trees across Kyros in the process. From the roots of these trees grew the creatures of the land, from its flowers grew the birds, and from its seeds grew all plants.

Kudes Era

Known most for its ancient and very magic-oriented history, the Kudes Era was a period of myth and legend, before reliable historic records (aside from religious myths) were recorded. Its start marks the beginning of life, as it is mythically known. This era is subject to much research and debate, and is the only era which is not fixed to a 300-year period.

~ Unknown

  • Creation of Kyros is finished. Early mortal humanoids populate some regions of the planet. Pre-conscious Harbingers roam much of Atheryin.
  • Taekyr (or Sun-Giant), an aspect of Ugana's fury, emerges from "a dark chasm of ice beneath the world" somewhere near the northeast Faelands. It sculpted a horde of sinewy giants from Ugana's blood, frozen in glacial ice. These giants (dubbed the Apani by Lyrians) roamed Atheryin, and fed solely off of Harbingers and other large creatures, with a seemingly unquenchable hunger.
  • Harbinger ancestors of modern Lyrians, the Apakasi, begin moving into five separate, centralized regions on the Lyrian Peninsula to escape the Apani. These regions later came to be known as the Kasijuri, or First Cities.

~ Kudes Era, 4 years after Creation

  • The Fínnan arrive in Atheryin from The Broadwaters, riding on the back of Finna, the god-bear. The pre-literate men built the small collection of dwellings, later becoming Reora, on the isle of Hithfaerthel. They looked to the Harbinger natives as god-like monsters. This early animist pantheon formed the basis for Skulven.

~ Kudes Era, Post-Arrival of Mankind

  • Kaibir appears on the summit of Fjara, giving the Sermon of Firesong to the Fínnan. Kutaru punishes Kaibir by throwing him into the horizon. Much to Kutaru's surprise, Kaibir's divinity burned brightly into the Palisade, becoming the Sun. Kutsal , and in his haste he tore apart the world as he slithered back to Gryka. The area he destroyed became known as The Fissure.
  • Lurhasil hatches from his cosmic egg inside Raven's Maw. Upon emerging from the chasm, he circles the world, watching and sympathizing with the plight of Harbingers and Mankind alike. In response, he breathes fire over the massive ice caps of the Faelands, creating the great rivers of the world from its melt waters. The Apani drowned in these waters, and their bones became mountains and canyons. Ugana's melted blood became the fish in the rivers and seas.
  • Lurhasil proclaims to the world his intention to enact judgment upon Taekyr. This attracts the attention of Andain, who arrives professing himself as "Judge-Of-Judges". Andain cleaves Taekyr in half, and chains these halves to Kaibir's Sun, enslaving Taekyr to pull the sun around the world for the rest of time. The two halves of Taekyr came to be known as the two moons, Aelan and Juraeng.
  • During the floods following the Faelands' glacial melt, the Anamneses uproot themselves and spread across the world, often hidden.

~ Circa Kudes 1332

  • Apakasi of the Kasijuri regions are called to the Juruna Valley by Lurhasil, where the Great Awakening occurs.
    • Contact with the forces of the Juruna Anamnesis turns the Apakasi Harbingers into Lyrians through unknown means.
    • Tsusika, Tsasika, Seirsika, and Drasika are built, after Lurhasil instructs the Lyrians to build temples at the edges of sacred waters. A temple is also constructed to protect the Anamnesis.

~ Circa Kudes 1032/1 LR

  • The Kingdom of Lyria is formed in the delta and lower valley of the Deslas River, near Seirsika.
  • Lyrian Reckoning Calendar begins.

~ Circa Kudes 985-942

~ Circa Kudes 931/134 LR

  • The prophet Del is born in Reora, during the final peaceful passing of Eolas. His birth was rumored to be celestial in origin, though his true religious potential was not realized until his early 20's.

~ Circa Kudes 879/186 LR

  • Del is executed atop the mountain Denthír for the crime of ultimate heresy. The site of his execution later became a place of pilgrimage for many Collectivists, Collective subreligions, and Arano pantheon worshipers.

~ Circa Kudes 877/188 LR

  • The Arano set fire to their homes in Reora, and take to their small fishing boats in search of unforsaken land. The beginnings of the Tenebra Manifest are carried out of Reora by Del's child, Kul, who leads the few remaining believers to the promised land, the Fissure. Their trek becomes legendary, immortalizing Kul and his followers among the Collective's most revered saints.

~ Circa Kudes 859

~ Circa Kudes 807/256 LR

  • The cosmological anomaly, Eolas, crashes into Nortadder. The impact destroyed nearly the entire area, save the mountainous expanse that preceded Celadon, which it violently flattened into the pastures it resembles now. According to ancient myth, the great kingdom of Thäl was the target of Eolas', and was obliterated upon impact. The event became known as the Fall of Eolas.

~ Circa Kudes 791/274 LR

  • The Lyrians lead their first expedition outside of their homeland peninsula, known to them as the Kaeagaien expedition. After successfully climbing the Adder Colossus, they build the Star Culler at its apex, the magical mechanism that is believed to have cleared the massive ash clouds created by the Fall of Eolas.

~ Circa Kudes 607/458 LR

  • The Earth-Gods Skhela and Sunakal begin warring with one another over control of northern Atheryin. In an attempt to destroy any grazelands available to Skhela, Sunakal turns the trees of the ancient Ohkorralta forest to stone, and floods the region with sand. In response, Skhela flattens the mountains formerly occupying modern-day northern Celadon, where Sunakal had made his home. Cornering Sunakal at a fork in the Thal River, Skhela tears off his legs, and banishes him to the sands of the newly-created Ohkorra Desert.

~ Circa Kudes 307/725 LR

Dawn Era

~ Dawn 1/1032 LR

  • First reliable historic records are officially archived in Lyrian libraries.
  • The War of Reformation begins, based upon a prophesy by the Tyrosi Church of Forose that the massive comet Reylas that turned night to day would pass through the sky.

~ Dawn 17/1048 LR

  • The War of Reformation ends. Kendaeism is overthrown in favor of Tyros, the Hunter-God of the second city of Forose in the central highlands. The Capital is moved to Forose, and a new calendar was created, referred to as the Common Count. The current era was named to honour the dawn of Reylas, the Dawn Era. Most commoners continued to use the traditional Lyrian Count, however, and the Common Count was kept mainly for post-reformation records.

~ Circa Dawn 57

  • Groups of men who would later come to be known as the Leoth begin migrating northward from Daín, settling areas in the Nag Valley and Celadon.
  • Similar migratory bands of men leaving Daín begin settling in the northern Dún.

~ Dawn 121

  • The Kutai gain sentience from their Harbinger forms after Slither-Tongue strips the Yakira of their humanity. He gifts this to the Kutai on the condition of eternal worship.

~ Dawn 156/1187 LR

  • A large archive of all forms of knowledge is found inside the remains of Eolas. The inhabitants within are found constantly chronicling events that happen within the universe. The monks' insight is of unknown power; because of some ability, they have forsight into all aspects of the universe. Visitors to the archive claim that an immense, beyond-godly power has dictation over the library. These ideas are often dismissed, as people returning from the archive are usually insane.

~ Dawn 186

~ Circa Dawn 281

~ Dawn 294

Growth Era

Generally considered to be a time of peace and prosperity. During this period, what would become known as the Lyrian Empire took a final hold on the Lyrian Penisula, and grew immensely outside of their homeland. Little was recorded during this period, but it is known that population numbers sky-rocketed worldwide, and cultures flourished and thrived.

~ Growth 1/1572 LR

  • The appearance of Reylas over the Lyrian Peninsula prompts the invasion of Eboncross and Nachkun. Lyrian oracles had foretold of these invasion events, and in combination with an unusually large harvest, allowed the kingdom ample time to prepare.

~ Growth 12

~ Growth 29

~ Growth 39

~ Growth 42

~ Growth 57

  • Lyrian armies cross the southernmost Nag River into the northern Dún, quickly invading the hamlets there. They establish the new colonial states of Dunai and Rinai, in the region that would later be known as Jún and the northern half of Nún.

~Growth 153

~ Growth 164

  • The Doltai discover the Karophus Puzzle Box within a sand-swept burial mound. The box is opened, and the Doltai become the sentient Taryphos.
  • The widespread transformation of the Doltai leads Lyrian nobility to believe they have been “domesticated” by the gods. Slavery of the Taryphos begins.

~ Growth 241/1572 LR

  • Lyrian expansion is halted after the disastrous First Invasion of Daín, brought about by extreme overextension of resources.

~ Growth 272

  • The Taryphos leaders of a fanatical Kutaric cult in Ohkorra are exiled from their homeland due to disagreements with Ohkohm elders. Believing the Karophus Puzzle Box has been cursed by their heresy, Ohkohm elders hand over the box to the exiled. Their leader, Gunda Kinos, settles with his followers in Kalythos Isle shortly afterward, founding the settlement of Narkua.

Zenith Era

Generally considered to be the height of civilization on Atheryin, marked the period of time during which the Lyrian Empire was at its highest point. Historians debate whether it was named the Zenith Era during the time, or posthumously given the title.

~ Zenith 18

  • Lyrian expansion into Kalythos Isle begins. The newly established fortress and trading post at Arctun becomes their primary base of colonization. Native Taryphos populations are quickly enslaved.

~ Zenith 96

  • Moaku is founded in the south-central Kira Jungle, in an attempt by native Kutai tribes to establish stability in the deadly region. Its creation is supported in part by Kados, as a buffer state between it and Fyukeo.

~ Zenith 160/1905 LR

Autumn Era

~ Autumn 23

~ Autumn 265/2190 LR

  • Lyrian forces silently invade Fónna for its powerful resources at Daĭn. Forces cross the nation's borders with no immediate military engagment, and begin to occupy all inhabited regions of the Fissure. Days afterward, armed citizens rebelled, being met with a quick repression from Lyrian invaders. All efforts to contact the king of Fónna were in vain: he and his council had been removed by Lyrian agents beforehand in a bloodless coup that never left the confines of the castle. The king and his officials were imprisoned and replaced with Lyrian war councils. The event became known as the Silhouette Invasion.

~ Autumn 266/2191 LR

  • A slave rebellion incited by Gunda Kinos under the identity of “Nokana” begins on Kalythos Isle. After several months of struggle, the city of Arctun is seized by rebel Taryphos forces. The Lyrian minority in the city is either banished, executed, or imprisoned by the Nokana rebels. The Autumn War begins.

~ Autumn 273/2205 LR

  • Downfall of the Lyrian Empire, when the Nokana forces invade the capital city of Juruna.
  • End of the Lyrian Reckoning Calendar.

~ Autumn 275

Brave Era

A rather undocumented time, defined by the rise in power of the Nokana Empire, the arrival of the Jarvah, and the foundation of the Templar Order. Considered the beginning of modern Atheryin civilization.

~ Brave 87

~ Brave 157

~ Brave 200

  • The ruins of the Thäl and the Archives are rediscovered by The Templar Order.

~ Brave 203

  • Pérrén Norá enters the Archives, and upon exiting, delivers the Twelve Sermons of Eolas, and performs a culling of all those who oppose him

~ Brave 206

  • In the only official document remaining from Dram, the Templar Order is condemned officially by the High Council at Haven.

~ Brave 241

  • Jarvah Warships arrive in Usareik from unknown lands. They quickly begin to displace the native Calthian people, pushing them into the forests in the north of the island.

~ Brave 244

  • The Jarvah found the city of Solis, declaring it the capital of their kingdom.

~ Brave 279

 Red Era

One of the best recorded, and bloodiest periods in history, especially in the Kvurian Isles. Arguably sets the stage for most major events in eras to come.

~ Red 10

  • 254th Day - Jarvah forces invade the Dramer homeland of Dram.
  • 301st Day - The Burning of the Great Library of Haven.

~ Red 11

~ Red 15

  • 53rd Day - The College of Rekkan is founded.
  • 101st Day - The Keepers of the College of Rekkan outlaw the Templar Order in all Dramer controlled lands.

~ Red 21

~ Red 27

  • 52nd Day - The Jarvah Civil War ends.

~ Red 56

  • 43rd Day - The Warrior Branch of the College of Rekkan fractures into the Order of the Dragon Warriors, and the Order of the Dragon Monks.

~ Red 70

  • 16th Day - The Duke's War begins with Cikaila Tama I removing tax on the rich.
  • 141st Day - The Duke's War ends with the extermination of Jarvah and Mhenuur in the Nokana Empire.
  • 153rd Day - The Nokanian Invasion of the Kvurian Isles begins. The conspiracy engineered by the Dagai Council is further promoted, and this leads to the full goal of Jarvah and Mhenuur extermination and domination. As a way to boost economics even more, the Nokana attempt to sieze Rekkan as well.

~ Red 76

  • The Nokanian Invasion ends. The Kvurian Isles are then annexed as territories in the Empire, and the military begins colonization by force.
  • The new Dramer homeland of Rekkan joins the Nokana Empire voluntarily as a canton.

~ Red 120

~ Red 139

  • After a lengthy war against Kvurian rebel groups, the Nokana Empire grants the Kvurian Isles its independence.
  • The War of Swallowed Sun begins as the Mhenuur government-in-exile attempts to retake its cities from Nokanian colonists, and simultaneously fight off opportunist invasions from the Wurxith.

~ Red 246

Lords Era

Primarily defined by the abuses of power that took place in the Thyrosic Empire and the rise of the modern Templar Order.

~ Lords 30

~ Lords 220

  • Templar forces under Knight-Inquisitor Gotwald successfully infiltrate Rekkan, where they stage an attempted coup in the city. The Templar forces are repelled, but manage to inflict series damage to the Dramer.

~ Lords 249

  • Templar forces invade Rekkan for the second time, and though they are once again repelled, they escape with important information - The key to stopping Dramer regeneration.

~ Lords 267

  • 42nd Day - All Dramer relief efforts in Kurn'mar'moor cease.
  • 267th Day - Studies and surveys by the College of Rekkan of Kurn'mar'moor are concluded. Documents suggest a massive decline in native Aq'Ryss populations.

~ Lords 276

Enlightened Era

An era marked by political, social, and technological revolution, with mechanization and invention beginning to pave the way towards modernization.

~ Enlightened 260

  • The Cerise Cabal makes itself known to the world.

Cardinal Era

The Cardinal Era marks the most advanced time period on Kyros, with civilizations reaching large-scale industrialization and mechanization. Populations boom, crop yields overflow, and struggle and war become deadlier than ever.

Twilight Era

The Twilight Era begins with the comet Reylas breaking apart in the sky as it passes through Kyros’ atmosphere for a final time. Magic begins to weaken and atrophy. The (x) religion prophesies Kalopsis’ final eclipsing of the world is near. Civilizations are torn apart by war with one another as the deadliness of their technology scorches the earth.