The Fínnan were the first race of primitive men to appear on Atheryin. They are the common ancestor of every race of Men on the continent. The Fínnan notably arrived on the shores of Hithfaerthel riding on the back of the giant bear-deity Fínna. After the revelations of Del, the majority of Fínnan left Hithfaerthel for the Hebena Valley, eventually spreading south to the Himara Peninsula, north to Daín, the Dún, and Celadon, developing into unique cultures and races along the way.
Boasting large, broad shoulders and a strong muscle and bone frame, the Fínnan stood nearly six to seven feet tall. These men were known to have similar features to the north Dunaan, however, they had much more angular faces, blonde hair, and blue eyes. They are said to have appeared far more primitive than today's races of men.
The only known history of the Fínnan is when they rode onto Atheryin out of the Broadwaters, on the back of their giant god-bear, Finna. They were known to have landed on the northern peninsula of Hithfaerthel, but some historians and religious researchers speculate they could have landed anywhere on the southeastern coast. The race is known to show up again at times, but once it split into the Arano and Fónnan, the race was lost as the magic fallout from the Faelands changed their abilities and appearances.