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Hýrisin is a province located in the north-west of the Thyrosic Empire.  It is considered by many Thyrids to be uncivilisied, even in comparison with the neighbouring Pyra.


Hýrisin is derived from the earlier Hýrwensyrown, meaning North People's Land. This was composed of hýr, meaning north (related to Tallinoré ar), wen, meaning people, and syrówn, meaning world or region (compare with Atheryin and Tallinoré sarollon).


Hýrisin is cold and rocky. Though snows do not often fall there, its temperatures are nearly equal with that of nearby Pyra. In the east of Hýrisin, the land is somewhat fertile, but in the rest of the province, farming is a near impossibility. 

To the south, many of the hills and mountains which populate the province fall off into Sailor's Woe, and the warm water creates somewhat more pleasant environments.


Hýrisin has no major towns or cities of any kind. The only settlement comes in the form of small villages and the odd castle on the border. For this reason, Hýrisin is infamous for its barbarians and bandit clans, which often raid nearby provinces for resources.

The other people of Hýrisin are nomadic in nature, riding from one area to the other all year round. These people live in huts, and live and die on horseback.