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Thyridic, known to the Thyrids as Wenóré, meaning People's Language, is a ??? language related to Tallinoré, as spoken by the Tallin. It shares several critical grammatical features with Tallinoré, but differed in several lexical and phonetical areas. For example, in Tallinoré, -oré is an inflexion that designates a language, while in Thyridic this has evolved to become a separate lexeme, hóré.

Phonological Changes

Tallinoré, e > ý

Tallinoré, intervocalic p > b(h)

Tallinoré, uú

Tallinoré, ph, f > th

Tallinoré, ý > ai

Tallinoré, t > th (hard, only when emphasis falls on first syllable)

Tallinoré, llw

Tallinoré, o > ó

Tallinoré, ronré > rnóc

Tallinoré, au > ai, áe, ú

Tallinoré, i > i, y, e, é

Tallinoré, c > g

Tallinoré, a > y, ý, éhý, hy

Tallinoré, g > ch, h

Tallinoré, llin (people) > wen (people)

Tallinoré, faron (god) > thyré (god) > thyrnóc (the head of Thyridic mythology)

Tallinoré, sarollon (world) > syrówn (world) > Asyrówn (Atheryin, influenced by other languages)

Tallinoré, taurron (speech) > túré (language)

Tallinoré, ýaron (reader) > aiyré (reader)

Tallinoré, eron (seer) > ýré (people)

Tallinoré, Farosay (John, from faronsakerelluëfari, meaning god is gracious) > Thyrósé (John)

Tallinoré, Faros (Johnny) > Thyrós (Johnny, not be confused with Thyros)

Tallinoré, Saronyé or Saroné (Adam, from sarollon + meaning world person) > Syré (Adam)

Tallinoré, augon (deer) > aichón (cloven-hooved animal)

Thyridic, ú (before vowel) > ew 

Thyridic, y > ý > hý




Vowel IPA
a æ
e ɛ
i ɪ
o ɔ
u ʊ
y ɪ
á eɪ
é eɪ
ó u
ú uː


As with Tallinoré, subject pronouns are formed as part of the verb, however, in Thyridic, in certain constructs, the pronoun can exist separate from the verb. For example, in Thyridic, I was would be sýrwel, compared to Tallinoré sarulluë


Singular Plural English
sýrwel sýrweli first-person
sýrsél sýrséli second-person
sýrgýl sýrgýli third-person


Singular Plural English
sairwel sairweli first-person
sairsél sairséli second-person
sairgýl sairgýli third-person


Singular Plural English
sairéwel sairéweli first-person
sairésél sairéséli second-person
sairégýl sairégýli third-person


Singular Plural English
sairéwyl sairéwyli first-person
sairésyl sairésyli second-person
sairégyl sairégyli third-person


Nounal Endings


-ré Sing. Masc. Sing. Fem. Sing. Neut. Plur. Masc. Plur. Fem. Plur. Neut.
Nominative -ré -rhy -ré -rún -rain -ryn
Dative -rówé -rywé -rywé -rewé -raiwé -rýwé
Genitive -rós -rés -rés -rews -rais -rys


-rnóc Sing. Masc. Sing. Fem. Sing. Neut. Plur. Masc. Plur. Fem. Plur. Neut.
Nominative -rnóc -rnyc -rnýc -rnówc -rnec -rnaic
Dative -rné -rné -rné -rnéw -rnéw -rnéw
Genitive -rnés -rnés -rnés -rnews -rnews -rnews


-ón Sing. Masc. Sing. Fem. Sing. Neut. Plur. Masc. Plur. Fem. Plur. Neut.
Nominative -ón -yn -yn -óné -yné -yné
Dative -ew -aiw -ýw
Genitive -ós -ys -ys -ews -ais -ais

Regular Nouns

-ré -rnóc -ón Meaning Meaning Meaning
sýré sýrnóc sýrón person life town
pyré pyrnóc pyrón ruler kingdom, right power, strength
élyré élyrnóc elyrón builder, creator building, creation, craft house, home, refuge
thyré Thyrnóc thyrón god, divine ruler Thyrnóc priest, spiritual leader, healer
aiyré aiyrnóc aiyrón reader, literate book, knowledge, writing writer
ýré ýrnóc ýrón people, (earlier: seer) fortune, luck foresight, power
túré túrnóc tewón language, speech, sound speaker, voice word
érysré érys(r)nóc érysón sailor, drunkard bay, sea, lake water, drink
aichré aich(r)nóc aichón farmland, grassland, plain forest, forested area, tree cloven-hooved animal, deer, offensive term for a woman
raiwré raiw(r)nóc raiwón sword, spike, prick fuck (expletive) idiot (corrupted from original meaning: smart person)
gaichré gaichrnóc gaichón wealth, money banker, noble bank, vault, treasure, moral wealth
érélyré érély(r)nóc érélyrón dock, harbour, anchored boat boat, ship, caravan, convoy sea, inlet, lake
chaiwré chaiwrnóc chaiwrón fate, truth, event teacher, sage knowledge, library
syrówré syrówrnóc syrewón land, place landowner, landmark land, location, mark


1-10 11-20 21-30 40-130
ýn dýlain mýlain dýné
hýné délýné mélýné ýrné
hýwen dewn mewn
ainé dainé mélainé
pewn debhewn mebhewn thewé
sylé désylé mésylé éré
thairýn dairýn méthairýn séré
ésé délésé mélésé syrdélé
ónýn délónýn mélónýn syrmélé
délé mélé ai syrai


Common Verbs

Thyridic English Thyridic English
sýrwel to be érysrwel to drink
býrwel to have aichrwel to run, to hunt
élýrwel to make, to do raiwel to fuck
thýrwel to pray, to learn gaichrwel to own, to value
aiyrwel to read érélyrwel to swim, to sail
ýrwel to see, to perceive chaiwrwel to teach, to tell the truth
túrwel to speak, to write syrówrwel to go